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Category: WebBBS 5.x
WebBBS 5.x -> vb3 importer problem

I'm in the process of converting the 116r WebBBS importer to work with WebBBS 5.x to vb3. I'm going this route instead of importing into 2.3.3 and upgrading to vb3 in order to preserve the thread structure of my existing board. Things seem to be working OK for the most part and the threads/posts are in the correct previous/next order. That's the good news.

While testing I've run across a couple of threads that don't display in the upper thread window in vb3 using either Threaded Mode or Hybrid Mode yet they show up fine in Linear Mode, or a Printable Version. I've manually checked the db and things look like they are OK.

I'm stumped for the moment and am looking for ideas as to what might cause the upper window to be blank.

You're best asking these questions in a support ticket at as they offer the official importers :)

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